Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Ads: Have some gone too far?

Spoiler Alert! Have you seen the recent advertisements for Christmas? If your children still believe in Santa, keep the TV off. Various commercials this year imply that there is no need for Santa or suggest there is no such thing as a Santa Claus. 
            Moms do all the shopping!  Didn’t you know your mother puts all the gifts under the tree for you? This is the impression some ads this season are giving. “Game on Santa” is the Best Buy slogan this Christmas. “Santa has elves. You have Target” is Target’s catch phrase. "Another combatant is climbing into the ring for the battle for consumer dollars as the 2011 Christmas shopping season gets under way." NYT In the bad economy, many retailers are using creative advertising to try to encourage people to stay in the stores and shop, shop, shop. Retailers want you to spend your money in their stores. But this year have some retailers gone too far to get you into their stores for Christmas?
            The advertising watchdog has received complaints about one commercial in particular: the retailer Littlewoods suggestion that Father Christmas does not exist. The commercial consists of young children performing what appears to be a Elementary School Christmas Show who are singing about who has brought their presents this year. Not one child says Santa Claus. With so many commercials suggesting the non-existence of Santa, are children confused?
            “The Advertising Standards Authority has received 456 complaints that the ad ruins the tradition that Santa Claus brings presents by revealing that mothers do all the shopping.” The complaints say this commercial should be switched to a later time when the young children will be in bed. I do not think the prime time television slot was the target audience for these commercials. Humbug
            The ASA had to decide if this ad breaches any part of the advertising code that states that Santa Claus or Father Christmas does not exist. "After careful consideration ASA council has decided that, as the ad did not make reference to Father Christmas or suggest Father Christmas did not exist, it was unlikely to cause distress to children and therefore we won't be launching an investigation," the regulator said. The ASA regulates ads that may reveal sensitive information like there is no Santa Claus. ASA
            As of now, this ad will continue to air for the rest of the Holiday Season. Is it appropriate? Make the decision for yourself.

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